
0% Contamination builds 100% Trust

Clean and healthy drinking water is the basic right of every citizen. Millions of rupees have been used by the government to provide clean drinking water to people across the country but lakhs of people in villages and far-flung areas still get their water from open sources such as rivers and wells, making them prone to water-borne diseases.


Every year, thousands of people fall ill by consuming dirty and impure water that they source from ponds, lakes, rivers and wells, which are mostly contaminated. These then become the main reason for water-borne diseases and in many cases death.


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To ensure a healthy society, the need for pure water every step of its transportation becomes imperative and it can only be possible when plastic pipes and tanks are replaced with stainless steel storage tanks and water pipes to ensure contamination-free water, the installation of stainless steel water tanks and stainless steel water pipes is the first step.


Stainless steel has proved to keep the water contamination-free and another advantage of using stainless steel pipes, ss fittings and ss tanks is that they are leak proof. Stainless steel tanks and pipes do not allow leaching of chemicals into the water, thus providing clean drinking water to consumers. It is important to ensure that the water is safe at every step of its transportation and that is only possible when we use stainless steel tanks and fittings.


Purever has come to India with a commitment to provide only the cleanest and safest drinking water. The company has built 100% trust and goodwill by fulfilling its promise of providing 0% Contamination in water. Purever Stainless Steel water tank is considered the strongest and the best in its class owing to 7-layer water tank technology that keeps the water safe even from harmful UV rays. So if you are one such health-conscious person who wants to invest in health and wellness, Purever ss water tanks would be your first choice.


The icing on the cake – these water tanks can be customized as per your area requirement, shape, size and even colour. Drop us an email or click at customized stainless steel water tanks if you want to know more about.

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